Monday, January 4, 2010

Sohail Tanvir Targets One day Series in Australia

Speaking exclusively to, Pakistan pace bowler Sohail Tanvir expressed his disappointment at missing out in playing in the ongoing Twenty/20 Big Bash series for the Victoria Bushrangers.

“I was really looking forward to playing in the Twenty/20 competition in Australia and competing against some of the world’s best players, but unfortunately the knee injury has ruined my plans. It’s just been a spate of bad luck of late when it comes to injuries, with firstly my back problems during and after the Twenty/20 World Cup and now the knee injury” stated Tanvir.

Tanvir who was man of the series in the inaugural IPL Twenty/20 competition, helping the Rajasthan Royals to victory, explained that the injury was one that occurred at the National Cricket Academy in Lahore. “I was working on some fielding routines and dived for the ball and felt my knee give way. I wasn’t sure how serious the injury was at first, but was advised afterwards that I had minor ligament damage. I could have taken a risk and played for Victoria, but at the end of the day my priority is to play for Pakistan and I didn’t want to cause any long term damage to myself and jeopardise my career”.

Tanvir hopes to be back soon though for international duty and has his sights firmly set on being selected for the Pakistan one day squad for the series in Australia. “I’m very hopeful that I will be fit for the one day series in Australia. I’m very positive and believe that I will be 100% fit soon and put all the injury problems behind me. At the moment the doctors have told me to rest the injury but I’m very confident that I will be available for selection in what should be a very hard fought and exciting series against Australia”.

The Pakistan selectors are expected to announce the one day squad shortly before the start of the third test and Tanvir faces a race against time to be fit for the squad.

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